NAMIC Announces collaboration with leading international 3D Printing network Mobility Goes Additive (MgA)

Singapore, 7 May 2019

The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) signed a memorandum of understanding with Mobility goes Additive (MgA) which is the leading international network of companies, institutions and research institutes working on industrial additive solutions based in Berlin, Germany.

The signing ceremony was held at the NAMIC Summit 2019: Design For Additive Manufacturing at the Marina Bay Convention Centre, witnessed by guest-of-honour, Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Mr Oliver Fixson, Deputy Chief of Mission, German embassy Singapore.

The goal of Mobility goes Additive and all network members is to overcome the challenges of serial Additive Manufacturing (3D-printing) with joint forces. In achieving this goal, some things are key for the network: the members’ will  to achieve results and to work productively, the focus on solutions and the common willingness to jointly establish Additive Manufacturing as an integral part of the production chain.

Ms Stefanie Brickwede, MgA’s Managing Director said, ”It’s a great honor to be in this partnership. We are proud to have this opportunity to collaborate with NAMIC in the area of parts identification suitable for additive manufacturing in the industrial sector from medical, transportation and logistics, construction equipment, aviation, automotive, shipping etc. There is a lot of room for a co-operation between our European network and the Singaporean SMEs. We see NAMIC as a valuable gateway to the Asian market.”

Dr Ho Chaw Sing, NAMIC’s Managing Director said, “MgA exemplifies the collaborative vision the German and European ‘Mittelstand’ has with research institutes to bring innovation into the industries, especially in the transportation sector, in particular with six European state owned railways, to produce 3D printed spare parts. This extends beyond transportation and to other industrial sectors which our SMEs can benefit from.”

Additive manufacturing or 3D Printing is one of the key technologies in the Industry 4.0 ecosystem. In Singapore, its interest and adoption has been growing in the industrial sectors over the past few years, notably in the maritime, marine offshore, aerospace, precision engineering and biomedical sectors.

About Mobility goes Additive (MgA): MgA is the leading international network for industrial additive manufacturing. The network meets these challenges by acting as a central platform, bundling the value creation potential along the process chain and promoting the mutual development of its members’ competencies. By this, joint development of innovative products is driven, know-how and information is transferred in a targeted manner. New business fields are identified, profitable business contacts are established, and new international markets are opened-up.  This helps the market to become competitive against conventional production. Also, MgA serves as a contact partner for public and political institutions when required.

About NAMIC The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster, or NAMIC, is a pan-national initiative led by NTUitive, supported by the National Research Foundation and in partnership with Enterprise Singapore and the Singapore Economic Development Board. NAMIC aims to increase Singapore’s adoption of additive manufacturing technologies to enhance competitiveness in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital industrialisation. This is accomplished by nurturing promising AM technologies and start-ups, as well as accelerating translation R&D from public sector funded institutions with a focus on commercial applications. NAMIC seeds and enables public-private cross-collaboration, acting as a connector between industry, research performers and public agencies.  It also assists companies seeking capital injection either through project joint-funding or leveraging on its investor networks.

NTUitive is the innovation and enterprise company of the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

NAMIC Announces collaboration with leading international 3D Printing network Mobility Goes Additive (MgA)

Singapore, 7 May 2019

The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) signed a memorandum of understanding with Mobility goes Additive (MgA) which is the leading international network of companies, institutions and research institutes working on industrial additive solutions based in Berlin, Germany.

The signing ceremony was held at the NAMIC Summit 2019: Design For Additive Manufacturing at the Marina Bay Convention Centre, witnessed by guest-of-honour, Dr Koh Poh Koon, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Mr Oliver Fixson, Deputy Chief of Mission, German embassy Singapore.

The goal of Mobility goes Additive and all network members is to overcome the challenges of serial Additive Manufacturing (3D-printing) with joint forces. In achieving this goal, some things are key for the network: the members’ will  to achieve results and to work productively, the focus on solutions and the common willingness to jointly establish Additive Manufacturing as an integral part of the production chain.

Ms Stefanie Brickwede, MgA’s Managing Director said, ”It’s a great honor to be in this partnership. We are proud to have this opportunity to collaborate with NAMIC in the area of parts identification suitable for additive manufacturing in the industrial sector from medical, transportation and logistics, construction equipment, aviation, automotive, shipping etc. There is a lot of room for a co-operation between our European network and the Singaporean SMEs. We see NAMIC as a valuable gateway to the Asian market.”

Dr Ho Chaw Sing, NAMIC’s Managing Director said, “MgA exemplifies the collaborative vision the German and European ‘Mittelstand’ has with research institutes to bring innovation into the industries, especially in the transportation sector, in particular with six European state owned railways, to produce 3D printed spare parts. This extends beyond transportation and to other industrial sectors which our SMEs can benefit from.”

Additive manufacturing or 3D Printing is one of the key technologies in the Industry 4.0 ecosystem. In Singapore, its interest and adoption has been growing in the industrial sectors over the past few years, notably in the maritime, marine offshore, aerospace, precision engineering and biomedical sectors.

About Mobility goes Additive (MgA): MgA is the leading international network for industrial additive manufacturing. The network meets these challenges by acting as a central platform, bundling the value creation potential along the process chain and promoting the mutual development of its members’ competencies. By this, joint development of innovative products is driven, know-how and information is transferred in a targeted manner. New business fields are identified, profitable business contacts are established, and new international markets are opened-up.  This helps the market to become competitive against conventional production. Also, MgA serves as a contact partner for public and political institutions when required.

About NAMIC The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster, or NAMIC, is a pan-national initiative led by NTUitive, supported by the National Research Foundation and in partnership with Enterprise Singapore and the Singapore Economic Development Board. NAMIC aims to increase Singapore’s adoption of additive manufacturing technologies to enhance competitiveness in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital industrialisation. This is accomplished by nurturing promising AM technologies and start-ups, as well as accelerating translation R&D from public sector funded institutions with a focus on commercial applications. NAMIC seeds and enables public-private cross-collaboration, acting as a connector between industry, research performers and public agencies.  It also assists companies seeking capital injection either through project joint-funding or leveraging on its investor networks.

NTUitive is the innovation and enterprise company of the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

20.-21.03.2019 – Additive World Conference

Vom 20. bis 21. März 2019 findet die 7. Ausgabe der Additive World Conference auf dem High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, Niederlande, statt. Diese bereits 7. Ausgabe der Konferenz wird organisiert, um die neuesten Erkenntnisse über die industrielle additive Fertigung aus einer breiten Perspektive zu erfahren. Erfahrene Anwender aus allen Phasen der additiven Fertigung (Design, Simulation, Produktion, Qualitätskontrolle und Nachbearbeitung) werden zusammenkommen, um den Teilnehmern ein vollständiges Bild dieser aufstrebenden Technologie zu vermitteln. Weitere Informationen zur 7. Ausgabe der Additive World Conference finden Sie hier:

20.-21.03.2019 – Additive World Conference

On  March 20-21, 2019 the 7th edition of the Additive World Conference will take place at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. This already 7th edition of the Conference will be organised to learn the latest on industrial additive manufacturing from a broad perspective. Experienced users from all stages of the Additive Manufacturing process (design, simulation, production, quality control and post-processing) will come together, providing delegates a complete picture of this emerging technology. More information on the 7th edition of of the Additive World Conference can be found here.

14.03.-15.03. 2019 – AM Forum Berlin

Zum dritten mal findet das Additive Manufacturing Forum im Berliner Estrel statt. Auch dieses Jahr unterstützt MgA als Foundation Partner die führende AM Conference & Exhibition.

29.-31.01.2019 – ISAM 2019

3rd International Symposium Additive Manufacturing (ISAM 2019)

Fraunhofer IWS, Link to the event:

January 29–31, 2019, Dresden

“We are pleased to invite you to the 3rd International Symposium Additive Manufacturing on January 29–31, 2019 in Dresden.

Additive manufacturing is currently paving its way into various applications at outstandingly high speed. Fascinating engineering solutions paired with exciting economical benefits are strong drivers for R&D efforts worldwide. Fraunhofer IWS Dresden is a proud pacemaker in additive manufacturing solutions for industry.

The 3rd International Symposium on Additive Manufacturing brings together the world leading experts in additive manufacturing and newcomers interested in this fascinating and vibrant field. Ample time for discussion and networking is making this event a great marketplace for new ideas and business in additive manufacturing. Do not miss this opportunity!”

Livestream on:

The network on formnext 2018

When Europe’s largest trade fair for additive manufacturing, the formnext 2018, takes place in Frankfurt from 12 to 16 November, Mobility goes Additive will also be prominently represented.

Our network can be found at booth 3.1 – J60 of our cooperation partner Berlin Partner. There we will be presenting ourselves and our version of the Campus for additive manufacturing in Berlin, the IAM HUB.
Come and see us!

You will find members of our network at a total of 43 exhibition stands on both floors. An overview of all exhibiting network members on the hall plans can be found here:

Hall 3.0.pdf
Hall 3.0.png

Hall 3.1.pdf
Hall 3.1.png

Das Netzwerk auf der formnext 2018

Wenn in Frankfurt vom 12. – 16. November Europas größte Fachmesse für die additive Fertigung, die formnext 2018, stattfindet, wird auch Mobility goes Additive prominent vertreten sein.

Unser Netzwerk wird am Stand 3.1 – J60 unseres Kooperationspartners Berlin Partner zu finden sein. Dort stellen wir uns und unsere Version des Campus für additive Fertigung in Berlin, des IAM HUB, vor.
Kommen Sie vorbei!

An insgesamt 43 Messeständen auf beiden Etagen finden Sie Mitglieder unseres Netzwerks. Eine Übersicht aller ausstellenden Netzwerkmitglieder auf den Hallenplänen finden sie hier:

Halle 3.0.pdf
Halle 3.0.png

Halle 3.1.pdf
Halle 3.1.png

28.11.2018 Tagung “industrielle additive Fertigung”

Der TÜV SÜD lädt Ende November in München zu einer eintägigen Veranstaltung zum Thema industrielle additive Fertigung ein.
Nähere Infos unten und unter folgendem Link.

Die industrielle additive Fertigung (AM) macht enorme technische
Fortschritte und dringt in immer weitere Bereiche vor.
Mit diesem Erfolg geht immer stärker die Frage einher, wie
eine hohe Qualität der Bauteile sichergestellt werden kann,
denn nur so kann ein breiter Einsatz erfolgen. Diese Fragestellung
muss auch den Erfordernissen stark regulierter Branchen
angepasst und über die Produktion von Serien hinweg betrachtet
Die TÜV SÜD Konferenz „Industrielle Additive Fertigung –
Heute schon bereit für die Serie!“ bietet Ihnen ein innovatives
Workshop-Format mit hochkarätigen Vorträgen und viel Raum
für eine tiefgehende Diskussion:
Eingangs wird der Stand der industriellen Additiven Fertigung
aus der Sicht verschiedener Anwender im High-End Segment
aufgezeigt. Dazu wird dargelegt, wo die besonderen Herausforderungen
liegen und wo bereits Erfolge zu verzeichnen sind.
Von diesen Herausforderungen ausgehend soll die Perspektive
der Lösungsanbieter eingenommen und demonstriert werden,
wo Industrie und auch anwendungsnahe Forschung bereits
heute stehen.
Ergänzt wird dies durch einen Exkurs, der sich um Digitale
Lösungen in Bezug auf Qualität und Exzellenz in der additiven
Fertigung dreht und so einen Vorgeschmack auf zukünftige
Vorgehensweisen bietet.
Um die Sichten der Anwender- und Lösungsanbieter auf einen
Nenner zu bringen gipfelt die Veranstaltung in einer moderierten

Sie sind Experte im Bereich der additiven Fertigung (z.B. QM
Manager, Produktionsleiter, Innovationsmanager, Industrialisierungsexperte)
und möchten den nächsten Schritt in Richtung
Industrialisierung gehen? Wir freuen uns, Ihnen eine spannende
und erleuchtende Veranstaltung mit einem innovativen
Format zu bieten. Auf diese Weise bekommen Sie als AMversierter
Zuhörer einen zielgerichteten Eindruck davon, wo
die Industrialisierung der Additiven Fertigung steht und wie
verschiedene Branchen die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen
angehen. Wertvolle Impulse für Ihre eigene Tätigkeit
im Bereich der additiven Fertigung sind vorprogrammiert. Dazu
besteht die ausführliche Möglichkeit zum Networking in der
Community von industriellen Anwendern additiver Verfahren.

13.-16.11.2018 – formnext 2018

Europas größte Messe für die additive Fertigung, die formnext 2018, findet in Frankfurt statt. Sie finden uns an Stand 3.1-J60, Sie finden uns am Stand unserer Kooperationspartner von Berlin Partner.
Kommen Sie vorbei!