Dear MgA-Community,
Only three weeks to go – we are looking forward to seeing you at our Annual Meeting 2018! We look forward to welcoming Ronen Hadar from Lego as one of our keynote speakers. Lego, experienced in the additive production of prototypes for years, is currently entering new use cases.Hear more about it on 26 September!
The Annual Meeting is the best opportunity to welcome and meet our 8 new members in person:
XERION BERLIN LABORATORIES GmbH, founded 18 years ago, specializes in high-tech furnace systems for production and research. With this expertise, they developed the Fusion Factory, a machine that combines the entire production line of FFF metal printing.
The Bundeswehr Research Institute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants (WIWeB) is under the Federal Office for Equipment, Information Technology and Use of the Bundeswehr and deals with research, analysis and materials testing.
The Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH (LZS) was founded in 2003. Today, it is one of Germany’s leading development partners in the field of “functionally integrated lightweight system construction in multi-material design”.
JSC Technology GmbH offers integrated solutions for the digital infrastructure of modern industry. This includes not only the equipment with hardware or software, but also the organizational development and training of the employees.
The Technische Universität Ilmenau is a university of the State of Thuringia in the Goethe and university town Ilmenau.
The Laboratory of Production Engineering is part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Bundeswehr Hamburg.
AMEXCI AB is a joint venture company started on the initiative of Dr. Marcus Wallenberg and eleven of Swedens largest industrial corporations. AMEXCI was founded on the principle of accelerating the industrial introduction of additive manufacturing and bringing a new generation of innovative engineers and products to the market in different industry sectors.
Welcome to the network and to a good cooperation!
Current overview of members:
A click on the logos leads you directly to the respective company homepages.

09.00 – 10.30
Member Assembly
11.00 – Open End
Annual Meeting 2018
Are you already in?
On a daily basis, we are receiving registrations for our Annual Meeting. So if you haven’t registered yet, the time to do it is now as rows are filling up and seats are limited!
Please register even if you only want to attend the general meeting and make use of your voting rights. This makes planning considerably easier for us.
event page
An overview of the event with current agenda, the event ticket of Deutsche Bahn and impressions of our last events.

At the Annual Meeting, all working group leaders will report on their work, present results and be available for discussion.
further working group dates
Approval 13.12.18
Lead: Maximilian Kunkel, Siemens AG
Legal Frameworks 20.09.18 by telco
Lead: Dr. Andreas Leupold, Leupold Legal
Change Management probably in November
Lead: Oliver Cynamon, FIT AG
Materials beginning of 2019
Lead: Dr. Tina Schlingmann, Deutsche Bahn AG
Within the network
New member of the Orga-Team

With Linus Tillmann we have been able to win a highly motivated employee for the organisation team in Berlin. He is currently doing his Master in Mechanical Engineering at the TU Berlin and has been supporting the work in the network for more than a year. Now, in September, he will move from the railway to our association in order to concentrate fully on the organisational work and thematic support of the working groups.
A warm welcome to you!
Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace – AMA
The network members of the ISEMP at the University of Bremen are organizing the AMA Conference “Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace” from September 19 – 20, 2018 in Bremen.
Focus 2018: Challenges in AM series production
Panel discussion MgA – Deutsche Bahn at the InnoTrans
If you were interested in the leading trade fair for transport technology InnoTrans in Berlin anyway, make sure to drop by on the third day! On 20.09.2018 between 11.00 and 11.30 a panel discussion on 3D printing in cooperation with Mobility goes Additives with high-ranking participants will take place at the central Deutsche Bahn exhibition stand in the City Cube!
Participation is free of charge for trade fair visitors.
further dates
inside the network
10.09.2018 – board meeting (not public)
26.09.2018 – Annual Meeting 2018
07.09.18 – FUSIONFACTORY: Open day at Xerion Berlin Laboratories mehr
12.09.18 – 13.09.18 – Forum Deutscher Mittelstand with Keynote from Stefanie Brickwede mehr
12.09.2018 – Forum Additive Fertigung at LZH
18 – 23.09.2018 – Between 18 and 21 September, hundreds of exhibitors will once again be presenting themselves to trade visitors at InnoTrans, the leading trade fair for transport technology, in all 41 halls and on the entire open-air exhibition grounds of the Messe Berlin. On the following two days it will open up to a larger audience.
A flyer from the network is planned to give an overview of the network members exhibiting at the fair. If you are interested in the flyer, please contact us!
19.09. – 20.09.2018 – Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace – AMA mehr
09.10. — 10.10.2018 – Construction Equipment Forum, Hannover mehr
16.10.- 18.10.2018 – IN(3D)USTRY in Barcelona. Our network supports the third edition of the largest trade fair for additive manufacturing in the Mediterranean region as a partner. Our members receive special conditions for this. If you are interested, please contact Stefanie Brickwede.
We would also be happy to draw attention to your special events. Please contact our Teamfor more information. We are looking forward to seeing you again soon, maybe at one of the events, and we will be broadcasting until then.
Best regards, your
Mobility goes Additive Orga-Team